引用本文:石泽龙,程 岩.基于ARFIMA-HYGARCH-M-VaR模型的亚洲汇率市场均值和波动过程的双长期记忆性测度研究[J].经济数学,2013,(1):67-73
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石泽龙,程 岩 (西南交通大学 希望学院 经济管理系 四川南充 637900) 
中文关键词:亚洲汇率市场  skt-ARFIMA-HYGARCH-M  FIGARCH模型  模型回测检验
Research on the Mean and Volatility of the Process of Double Long-term Memory Measure of Asian Currency Markets on ARFIMA-HYGARCH-M-VaR Model
Abstract:This paper took the Asian exchange market exchange rates as the study sample. Using the skt-distribution to characterize the distribution of residuals, the ARFIMA-HYGARCH-M-VaR model was built to measure exchange rate risk value. The back test of failure rate and the dynamic quantile test have been taken by the GARCH of the skt-distribution and the VaR of the FIGARCH model. The results show that all kinds of models of the skt-distribution basically have a better risk measure capacity in the different significance level, and the risk measure capacity of the VaR of ARFIMA-HYGARCH-M model is more accurate and stable.
keywords:the market of Asian exchange rate  HYGARCH model  skt-ARFIMA-HYGARCH-M model  model backtesting
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