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彭思迪1,彭国强2 (1. 湖南大学 工商管理学院, 湖南 长沙 4100822.湖南大学 数学与计量经济学院,湖南 长沙 410082) 
中文摘要:通过构造Lyapunov泛函、利用半鞅收敛定理得到了变时滞随机Cohen-Grossberg 神经网络几乎肯定指数稳定的判别准则.
中文关键词:随机神经网络  时滞  It公式  稳定性
Almost Sure Exponential Stability of Stochastic Cohen-Grossberg Neural Network with Time Varying Delays
Abstract:Some stabilities of stochastic Cohen-Grossberg neural networks were studied. Under the help of Lyapunov functional and the semimartingale convergence theorem, we obtained some sufficient criteria to check the almost sure exponential stability of stochastic Cohen-Grossberg neural network with time varying delays.
keywords:stochastic neural networks  delays  It formula  stability
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