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孙玉华,曾庆铎 (北京科技大学 数理学院北京 100083) 
中文关键词:数据包络分析  成本分摊  效率  讨价还价
Fixed Cost Allocation of Two-stage Network Systems Based on DEA
Abstract:This paper combined DEA with the game theory to research the fixed cost allocation of two-stage network systems. It is proven that, if the allocated costs can be treated as an additional input,there are some cost allocation plans which satisfy that the efficiency of the overall DMUs is optimal.Then, we considered the game among the DMUs and the game between the two subsystems of each DMU.Firstly,a bargain multiplied maximize model was proposed.Secondly,we presented the bargain game model between the two subsystems and gave the sharing solution. Finally,the numerical example shows that the method is effective, which expands the application of DEA.
keywords:DEA  cost allocation  efficiency  bargain
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