引用本文:万 中, 李欢欢,朱赛花.线性互补问题均衡解的存在形式与识别方法[J].经济数学,2013,(1):1-4
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万 中, 李欢欢,朱赛花 (中南大学 数学与统计学院 湖南 长沙 410083) 
中文关键词:线性互补问题  凸分解  充要条件  直接算法
Existent Form and Identification of Equilibrium Solution for Linear Complementarity Problems
Abstract:The existent form and identifying methods of equilibrium solution to the linear complementarity problem were considered. Some necessary and sufficient conditions were obtained for the corresponding forms of equilibrium solution to the linear complementarity problems with several types of coefficient matrices. Based on these conditions, a direct algorithm was designed to find the equilibrium solution.
keywords:linear complementarity problem  convex decomposition  sufficient and necessary condition  direct algorithm
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