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苏肖妮,谭激扬 (湘潭大学 数学与计算科学学院湖南 湘潭411105) 
中文摘要:主要讨论复合马尔可夫二项模型. 在模型中引进一个常数红利边界策略,得到了Gerber-Shiu 罚金函数所满足的线性方程组,且证明该方程组存在唯一解. 最后,作为罚金函数的一些应用实例给出了一些具体风险量的计算公式.
中文关键词:复合马尔可夫二项模型  Gerber-Shiu 罚金函数  常红利边界
The Compound Markov Binomial Model with Constant Dividend Barrier
Abstract:This paper considers a compound Markov binomial model with a constant dividend barrier. We derive the linear equations for the Gerber-Shiu penalty function and prove that the solution is unique. Finally, we give the solutions for some risk quantites as specific examples of the penalty function.
keywords:compound Markov binomial model  Gerber-Shiu penalty function  constant dividend barrier
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