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刘亦文,胡宗义 (湖南大学 金融与统计学院,湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:能源消费  碳排放  经济增长  面板数据
Regional Heterogeneity Among Energy Consumption, Carbon Emissions and Economic Growth in China
Abstract:Based on panel data of China's 30 provinces from 1990 to 2010, this paper used panel quantitative analysis methods to examine regional heterogeneity and dependence among energy consumption, carbon emissions and economic growth in China. The results show that: energy consumption, carbon emissions and economic growth not only have the existence of the relationship of mutual influence, but also have significant regional differences. The provinces economic development is an important cause of each regional growth of energy consumption, which is consistent with the conclusion of the high relevance between economic growth and energy consumption. the elastic coefficient between carbon emissions change and economic growth changes is negative in Beijing, Liaoning, Jilin and 16 provinces, while in other 14 provinces, such as Tianjin, etc, carbon emissions will increase with economic growth, so the coefficient of elasticity is positive. This implies that when the regional economic is in a high level, the region will have more favorable conditions to reduce carbon emissions, that is to say, carbon emission reduction ultimately still relies on the well-developed economic level.
keywords:energy consumption  carbon emissions  economic growth  panel data
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