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胡宗义,李鹏 (湖南大学 金融与统计学院湖南 长沙410079) 
中文关键词:农民收入  空间相关性  空间计量
An Spacial Econometrics Analysis on the Financial Linkage Relationship between Farmers’Income and Local Finance Support
Abstract:Based on the data of 1998—2008 in 31 provinces,this paper used spatial econometrics to analyze the factors promoting farmer’s income in China.The result shows that the farmer’s income in different areas has a strong spatial dependence. In the short term,rural investment and urbanization have played a significant role in promoting the growth of farmers' income in China.While the influence of rural finance and local financial support is not significant .The proportion of rural labor force and agricultural output has negative effect on the growth of farmers' income. In the long run, the influence of urbanization, rural finance and the proportion of rural labor force is not significant. While the rural investment and local financial support have played a positive role.And the proportion of agricultural output has negative effect on the income of farmers.With the development of rural economy, the factors that influence the farmers' income are further diversified, and the influence of spacial factors is more significant.
keywords:income of farmers  spatial dependence  spacial econometrics
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