引用本文:干晓蓉1,于凤雪2,全志勇2, 陈蔚3.CEV下考虑突发事件影响的有交易费用的交换期权定价[J].经济数学,2012,(4):56-59
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干晓蓉1,于凤雪2,全志勇2, 陈蔚3 (1.昆明理工大学 城市学院云南 昆明6500512.湖南大学 数学与计量经济学院湖南 长沙4100823.惠州市委党校广东 惠州516008) 
中文关键词:交换期权  CEV模型  布朗运动  泊松过程  交易费用
Exchange Option Pricing Based on Poisson Motion under Constant Elasticity of Variance with Transaction Costs
Abstract:This paper studied the Exchange Option pricing with transaction costs,while the stock prices under the Constant Elasticity of Variance process are driven by Brownian motion and Poisson process.We give a partial differential equation with which option price is satisfied. It is found that power index of stock prices is relevant to the selection of volatility elasticityα in the pricing model.In addition,the Poisson intensity parameter λ affects the transaction costs,which decrease with a larger parameter.
keywords:exchange option  constant elasticity of variance  Brownian motion  Poisson motion  transaction Costs
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