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王洵迪1,张蜜1,吴艳2 (1.长沙理工大学经济与管理学院湖南 长沙4101142.怀化学院 经济学系湖南 怀化418008) 
中文关键词:光伏产业  贸易政策  AHP-灰关联分析法
The Evaluation of Trade Policy’s Effects on Developing Strategic Emerging Industry Based on AHP-Gray Relational Analysis
Abstract:China’s PV industry is facing great challenges and severe impacts from the heavy tariff imposed by foreign countries. This article did a research on the trade policy such as R & D subsidy policy, export tax rebate policy and technical trade barrier to evaluate their effects on promoting the development of PV industry. Through constructing the AHP-gray relational analysis, and using the PV industry in The Yangtze River Delta region as an example, this paper provides some countermeasure recommendations to our country’s PV industry trade policy based on the above three aspects.
keywords:PV industry  trade policy  AHP-gray relational analysis
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