引用本文:张 锐.基于DEA三阶段模型的两型农业生产效率研究[J].经济数学,2012,(3):96-102
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张 锐 (湖南农业大学 经济学院湖南 长沙 410128) 
中文关键词:两型农业  三阶段DEA  技术效率  规模效率
Study on Production Efficiency of Two-Oriented Agriculture Based on Three-Stage DEA Model
Abstract:The efficiency of agricultural production techniques is often influenced by management efficiency, environmental features and random errors. Among the 3 factors, management efficiency is endogenous while environmental features and random errors are exogenous. In order to strip out the effects of exogenous factors, as well as to distinguish and measure the influences of the 3 factors on production efficiency, three-stage DEA model was employed to study two-oriented agriculture production efficiency. On the foundation of this model, the two-oriented agriculture comprehensive production efficiency of 14 cities in Hunan Province in 2008 was estimated, and some corresponding policy proposals to promote agricultural development were presented.
keywords:two-oriented agriculture  three-stage DEA model  technical efficiency  scale efficiency
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