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李国栋,王源昌 (云南师范大学 数学学院云南 昆明 650092 ) 
中文关键词:非齐次马氏域变模型  房价泡沫  Johansen协整检验
Research on the Probability of Real Estate Price Bubble Based on Non-homogeneous Markov Process
Abstract:This article analyzed the real estate price bubbles in China were from January of 2001 to December of 2010 by utilizing bubbles studies method of stock market. The bubbles were isolated by utilizing Johansen co-integration test, and maximum likelihood estimation was used to estimate the variance of the housing bubble in the two states and the transition probability parameters, and then the probability of house price bubble for each period was found. The results showed that:1) in most of the period, the probability of the bubble in real estate prices are smaller, but it is larger in April 2009 to December;2) raising the interest rate can reduce transfer probability from no bubble to bubble and increase the probability from bubble to no bubble.
keywords:non-homogeneous Markov switching model  real estate price bubbles  Johansen co-integration test
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