引用本文:李 睿.基于二项分布的短期聚合风险模型[J].经济数学,2012,(3):70-73
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李 睿 (南京财经大学 应用数学学院,江苏 南京 210046) 
中文关键词:二项分布  联合分布  聚合风险  理赔额分布  近似模型
Short-term Collective Risk Model Based on Binominal Distribution
Abstract:The Binominal distribution in the collective risk model was discussed. And the aggregate claim’s mean, variance, moment generating function and Binominal Distribution’s character, were obtained. Moreover, two collective claim’s approximate models were also obtained. One is normal approximation; the other is gamma translation approximation.
keywords:binominal distribution  compound distribution  collective risk  claim amount distribution  approximate models
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