引用本文:陈 涛,阮 敬.收入分布曲线的线性正态插值函数拟合方法[J].经济数学,2012,(3):47-50
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陈 涛,阮 敬 (首都经济贸易大学 统计学院北京 100070) 
中文关键词:分组均值  插值基函数  线性正态插值函数  面积误差比率
The Fitting Method of Linear Normal Interpolation Function for Income Distribution
Abstract:We constructed a linear normal interpolation function to fit the income probability function curve of rural China. This parametric interpolation basis function is based on the group means and population variance of the original sample data. We proved that the linear normal interpolation function should exist and be unique, if the group means and population variance of the sample data are the parametric normal interpolation based function. In addition, this interpolation function is the arbitrary order smoothness. We compared the estimated area between the fitted normal interpolation function and the corresponding histogram of the sample data, and the result shows that the area error ratio of normal interpolation function curve and the histogram of sample data are small.
keywords:group mean of sample data  interpolation basis function  linear normal interpolation function  error ratio of area
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