引用本文:邓喜才,左 羽.有限理性与一类多主从博弈问题的良定性[J].经济数学,2012,(3):16-19
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邓喜才,左 羽 (贵州师范学院 数学与计算机系贵州 贵阳 550018) 
中文摘要:利用Ky Fan不等式证明了一类多主从博弈平衡点的存在性,并且定义了此类多主从博弈的有限理性函数.在非线性问题的良定性的框架下,使用有限理性证明了此类多主从博弈问题是广义Hadamard良定的和广义Tykhonov良定的.
中文关键词:多主从博弈  存在性  有限理性函数  良定性
Bounded Rationality and Well-Posedness for A Class of Multi-Leader-Follower Games
Abstract:Ky Fan’s Inequality was applied to prove the existence of equilibrium points of a class of multi-leader-follower games, and the rationality function for the multi-leader-follower games was defined.Under well posedness for nonlinear problems frame, by using the rationality function of the multi-leader-follower games, we prove the multi-leader-follower games are generalized Hadamard well posedness and generalized Tykhonov well posedness.
keywords:multi-leader-follower games  bounded rationality function  existence  well posedness
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