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王宋涛 (华南师范大学 经济与管理学院广东 广州 510006) 
中文关键词:农村居民  收入差距  恩格尔系数  生活水平
Study on Impact of Income Distribution on Rural Residents’ Engel Coefficient
Abstract:The Engel coefficient is an important indicator to measure the standard of living. The theoretical and empirical research found that the widening income gap reduced the Engel coefficient of rural residents, and improved their living standards, which gives rise to the paradox that more inequality of allocation, the higher the living standards of rural residents. In a welfare evaluation of the life of the rural residents, the overall target and distribution indicators should be taken into account and in the process of developing the rural economy and improving farmers' living standards, paying attention to income distribution and balancing the fairness and efficiency should be done to maximize the welfare of farmers.
keywords:rural residents  income gap  engel coefficient  fairness and efficiency
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