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钟朝艳 (曲靖师范学院 数学与信息科学学院云南 曲靖655011) 
中文关键词:预警区  复合Poisson-Geometric风险模型  条件矩母函数  微积分方程
Duration of Negative Surplus for a Compound Poisson-Geommetric Risk Model
Abstract:The duration of negative surplus of a compound Poisson-Geommetric risk model was studied. By a new method different from the traditional Martingale methed, and taking full advantage of the strong Markov property of the surplus process, an integral differential equation of a conditional moment generating function for the first duration of negative surplus was obtained.Finally, the explicit expression is given when the claim is exponential distribution.
keywords:duration of negative surplus  compound Poisson-Geommetric risk model  conditional moment generating function  integral differential equation
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