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陈飞跃,龚海文 (1.中南大学 商学院 湖南 长沙4100832.保险职业学院 湖南 长沙4101143.长沙理工大学 数学与计算科学学院 湖南 长沙410114) 
中文关键词:投资项目价值  几何布朗运动  最优投资规模  投资期权价值
Research on Value of Investment Project under Uncertainty
Abstract:The capacity of investment project was determined under uncertainty,and the value of investment project under risk compensation was researched.The evaluation model of investment project was generalized to include the situation of a fixed life or stochastic life of investment project,and the option value and citical price of investment project were discussed when the stochastic life of investment project follows exponential distribution.
keywords:value of investment project  geometric Brownian motion  optimal investment capacity  value of investment option
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