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潘冠中,马晓兰 (1.云南财经大学 金融学院 云南 昆明6502212.云南财经大学 统计与数学学院 云南 昆明650221) 
中文关键词:Black-scholes公式  风险中性定价  矩母函数
A New Derivation for Black-scholes Option Pricing Formula
Abstract:This article presented a new derivation for Black-scholes option pricing formula. In the framework of risk-neutral pricing, by adeptly using certain properties of normal distribution and normal moment generating function, we can derive Black-scholes option pricing formula quickly and easily. Furthermore, in the deriving process, the implications of the probabilities of Φ(d1) and Φ(d2) in the formula can be shown very clearly.
keywords:Black-scholes formula  risk-neutral pricing  normal moment generating function
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