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罗琰,杨招军,张维 (1.南京审计学院 数学与统计学院,江苏 南京211815
2.湖南大学 金融与统计学院湖南 长沙410079
3.金融学院江苏 南京210075) 
中文关键词:均值-方差  有效前沿  跳跃-扩散  卖空约束  Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellmen方程
Study of Portfolio in a Jump-diffusion Market
Abstract:Supposing that the price processes of risky assets satisfy jump-diffusion processes with no-shorting constraints,the problem of continuous-time dynamic mean-variance portfolio was studired. The investor’s aim is to minimise the variance of the terminal wealth given the expected terminal wealth. We obtained the explicit expressions of optimal strategies and efficient frontiers by solving the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellmen equation corresponding to the model.The results indicate that the influence of no-shorting constraints and jump of risky assets on optimal investment strategies and efficient frontier should not be ignored.
keywords:mean-variance  efficient frontier  jump-diffusion  no-shorting constraints  HJB equation
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