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王正新 (浙江师范大学 经济与管理学院浙江 金华321004) 
中文关键词:多指标决策;TOPSIS;马氏距离  投资决策
Mahalanobis Distance-based TOPSIS Decision Making Method and Its Application
Abstract:In order to solve the issues of correlations between the decision making indicators, after introducing Mahalanobis distance into the traditional TOPSIS method,this paper proposed an improved TOPSIS method based on Mahalanobis distance. On this basis, the properties of the improved closeness were analyzed ,and an actual example was given to illustrate the effectiveness of the new method. The results show that non-singular linear transformations do not change the decision making results of the improved method. Covariance matrix reflects the correlation between the indicators. Thus, the improved method can avoid the effect of decision-making indexes correlations.
keywords:MCDM  TOPSIS  Mahalanobis distance  investment decision-making
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