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时乐乐,赵军 (新疆大学 经济与管理学院新疆 乌鲁木齐830046) 
中文关键词:新疆保险业  GM(1,1)模型  预测
Prediction on Xinjiang Insurance Industry’s Development in the 12th Five-Year Based on GM(1,1) Model
Abstract:This paper selected three indexes: premium, insurance density and insurance depth.and the premium was divided into property insurance premium and life insurance premium.Using these indexes, the data from 2002 to 2010 was used for predicting the development of Xinjiang insurance industry in the 12th Five-Year. It predicts these indexes by adopting the methodology of GM(1,1) model. Based on this,the qualitative analysis about the prediction outcome was made, which can provide a solid data support for the development strategy of Xinjiang insurance industry in the 12 th Five-year.
keywords:Xinjiang insurance industry  GM(1,1) model  prediction
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