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李磊,刘学,刘洁 (1.江南大学 商学院江苏 无锡2141222. 江苏环境与发展研究中心江苏 南京210037) 
中文关键词:生活废水  非线性  预测
Prediction of Domestic Waste Water Missions in Jiangsu Province Based on the Nonlinear Prediction Model
Abstract:This paper established a three-dimensional non-linear prediction model on domestic waste water discharge according to the per capita GDP, per capita domestic water consumption and the data of domestic wastewater discharge from 1999 to 2009 in Jiangsu Province.And the analysis proves the model has a high fitting precision. Based on the prediction data, the amount of domestic wastewater discharge of Jiangsu Province will reach 6.685 billion tons in 2020, more than two times the discharge in 2009, which imposes enormous pressure on urban environment. At last, some policy recommendations were offered as references to the relevant departments.
keywords:domestic waste water  nonlinear  prediction
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