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石风光 (安阳师范学院 经济学院河南 安阳455002) 
中文关键词:技术进步  技术效率  规模经济性  地区经济差距  滤波分析
The Components of TFP and Regional Disparity of China——Analysis Based on SFA and Kalman Filter
Abstract:Using SFA model,this paper estimated TFP and its components of 28 Provinces during 1985 to 2007 in China and analyzed the extent and trend of the impact caused by the components on regional disparity of China using state-space model. The results show that technical efficiency is the most important factor leading to regional disparity,followed by the impact of technical progress,and the impact of scale economy on regional disparity is very limited.
keywords:technical progress  technical efficiency  Scale economy  Regional disparity  filter analysis
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