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王亮 (大连民族学院 经济管理学院辽宁 大连116600) 
中文关键词:强σ-收敛  弱σ-收敛  DF-GLS单位根检验  ARFIMA模型
Convergence Testing for China's Interprovincial Economic Growth
Abstract:Two new σ-convergence conceptions such as strong σ- convergence and weak σ-convergence were put forward, and σ-convergence was measured by two indicators including natural logarithm standard deviation of real per capita GDP and coefficient of variation of real per capita GDP. By using DF-GLS unit root test method and ARFIMA model, the existence of strong σ-convergence and weak σ-convergence in China, and in the eastern, central and western regions were tested. The results indicate that significant weak σ-convergence instead of strong σ-convergence exists among these regions.
keywords:strong σ-convergence  weak σ-convergence  DF-GLS unit root test  ARFIMA model
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