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张新立,詹丽萍,杨玲 (辽宁师范大学 数学学院辽宁 大连116029) 
中文关键词:风险企业  融资行为  逆向选择  信号传递模型
Study of Adverse Selection Model of Venture Enterprise Financing Behavior
Abstract:On the basis of game theory, this paper set up a signaling model of adverse selection about venture enterprise financing behavior. Under complete information and imcomplete information, the factors affecting venture capitalist's effort level were analyzed. As a result, improper property rights structure, imbalance of control rights and entrepreneur's lease acts are the main reasons of why venture capitalist's effort level is not high. The relevant suggestions were proposed to improve venture capitalist's effort level.
keywords:venture enterprise  financing behavior  adverse selection  signaling model.
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