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李吉栋 (河北经贸大学 金融学院河北 石家庄050061) 
中文关键词:创业投资  政策扶持  创业投资家  努力程度
The Effect of Policy Support on the Allocation Decision in Venture Capital
Abstract:A decision model for venture capital provider and venture capitalist was established, and the effect of policy support on asset allocation decision was studied. The study shows that venture capitalist would enhance his effort level and increase the weight of investment to venture capital project because of policy support, which can mitigate the problem of investment stage moving backward. The effect on allocation decision of venture capital provider depends on the correlation between venture capital projects and general private equity investments projects. But the amount of investment to venture capital project will increase which has nothing to do with the correlation.
keywords:venture capital  policy support  venture capitalists  effort level
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