信息产业发展对经济增长影响的评价: 以新疆兵团为例
引用本文:蒋青松,姚江河,李青.信息产业发展对经济增长影响的评价: 以新疆兵团为例[J].经济数学,2011,(4):90-94
摘要点击次数: 1322
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蒋青松,姚江河,李青 (1.塔里木大学 信息工程学院新疆 阿拉尔8433002.塔里木大学 经济与管理学院新疆 阿拉尔843300) 
中文关键词:信息产业发展  经济增长  定量评价  模型
The Evaluation of the Impact on the Development of Information Industry to the Economic Growth:——Take Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps f or Example
Abstract:In order to give an objective and reasonable evaluation of the influence of the development of information industry on the economic growth,a quantitative evaluation model was established based on a scientific and reasonable evaluation index system. The results show that the contribution rate of the input indicators of different elements of the information industry to economic growth is different. So as to achieve the rapid and healthy economic development, we should give different degrees of concern to different elements of the information industry. At the same time, it shows a strict positive correlation between the economic growth and the development of information industry. Thus, strengthening the development of information industry is of a great strategic significance to promote and upgrade the industrial restructure.
keywords:the development of Information industry  economic growth  quantitative evaluation  model
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