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杨艳林 (华南理工大学 经济与贸易学院广东 广州510006) 
中文关键词:仿射模型  已实现波动率  非包含随机波动
Unspanned Stochastic Volatility Restriction of Affine Term Structure Models
Abstract:Generally, affine term structure models with stochastic volatility predict that the instantaneous variance of spot rate is a linear combination of yields. Using data of China’s inter-bank fixed-rate bonds, this paper investigatesd such implication. The empirical results reveal that, neither the realized nor expected yield volatility is the affine function of cross-section yields. We conclude that although many previous studies have proved affine models capture yields’ dynamic process very well, they have serious difficulties in accommodating yield volatility dynamics. Consequently, the existing affine term structure models exhibit ‘Unspanned Stochastic Volatility’ restriction.
keywords:affine models  realized volatility  unspanned stochastic volatility
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