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彭树宏 (1.井冈山大学 商学院江西 吉安343009
2.东北财经大学 产业组织与企业组织研究中心辽宁 大连116025) 
中文关键词:垄断产业  普遍服务  撇脂现象  普遍服务基金
Universal Service, Market Competition and Consumer Welfare
Abstract:A simple model was developed to analyze market competition under universal service constraint in monopoly industries after introducing competition. The model shows “skimming phenomenon”. We find that, the incumbent’s gain and loss reduce simultaneously, but the gain reduces even more; the competition is beneficial to consumers totally, but consumers in low cost urban areas share more, and consumers in high cost urban areas don’t share the fruit of the reform. If the internal cross-subsidies continue to finance the universal service as the traditional way, then the monopoly industries will face pressure from rising prices after the introducing of competition ,and the welfare of consumers in high cost rural areas will decrease. Universal service fund is a Pareto improvement system that can reduce price rising pressure while allowing the incumbent to maintain the universal service obligation.
keywords:monopoly industries  universal service  skimming phenomenon  universal service funding
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