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何有世1,李明辉2 (1 江苏大学 工商管理学院江苏 镇江 2120132 江苏大学 财经学院江苏 镇江 212013) 
中文关键词:灰色-马尔柯夫链预测  优化模型  江苏省  物流需求
The Grey - Markov Forecasting Optimization Model:the Case of Logistics Demand Prediction of Jiangsu Province
Abstract:This paper discussed the basic ideas of current gray -markov model. The disadvantages of the basic ideas were first analyzed, and then we proposed two precision indexes—mean index and stability index, which can characterize the reasonable accuracy of prediction model features. Based on the two precision indexes, a gray -Markov forecasting optimization model was established. Finally, this prediction model was tested and verified by the example of logistics demand of Jiangsu province.
keywords:grey -Markov forecasting  optimization model  Jiangsu province  logistics demand
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