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庞庆华1,贺战兵2 (1.河海大学 商学院江苏 常州 2130222.湖南大众传媒职业技术学院湖南 长沙 410100) 
中文关键词:供应链管理  收益共享契约  风险厌恶  供应链协调
Coordinating Supply Chain by Revenue -sharing Contract with a Risk -averse Member
Abstract:Revenue -Sharing (RS) contract is a kind of mechanism to improve the performance of supply chain (SC). considering that a supplier or a retailer has risk -averse preferences, this paper proposed a model of an SC contract aimed at coordinating a two -level SC, which is based on revenue sharing mechanism, and the customer demand is stochastic. Then by analyzing the model, this paper explained that how the risk -averse preferences of the supplier and the retailer influenced the optimal order quantity, the optimal wholesale price, and the quota of the revenue sharing and SC coordination. The result shows, if the risk -aversion of the retailer (or the supplier) can be controlled within the specific limits, the RS contract also can coordinate SC by tuning its parameters.
keywords:supply chain management  revenue -sharing contract  risk -averse  supply chain coordination
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