摘要点击次数: 1619
全文下载次数: 199
杨中原1,2,许文1 (1. 大连银行, 辽宁 大连116001
2. 中国社会科学院,金融研究所, 北京100732) 
中文关键词:贷款组合  集中度风险  流动性风险  资产负债
Loan Portfolios Optimization Model Based on VaR and Concentration Constraint
Abstract:Asset liability management is to regard asset liability portfolio as an organic integrity to balance mobility, security and profitability between them. Bank assets were allocated to different industries by asset concentration constraint, which reduced the bank asset concentration risk effectively. The VaR constraint, which reflected the bank risk tolerance ability, controled the loan portfolio risk. The practical case’s results show that this model can reach the optimal allocation among “mobility security profitability”, lowering the concentration risk and mobility risk effectively in bank operation and realizing the optimal bank operation effectiveness, which is practically significant to loan management.
keywords:loan portfolio  risk of concentration  liquidity risk  asset liability
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