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周爱农1,2 (广州铁路职业技术学院 经济管理系广东 广州510430
武汉理工大学 经济学院湖北 武汉430070) 
中文关键词:面板误差修正模型  外商直接投资  经济增长
The Dynamic Relationship between FDI and Economic Growth in China:Based on Panel Co Integration Method
Abstract:Using the panel cointegration method and panel error correction model, this paper empirically analyzed the dynamic relationship between foreign direct investment and economic growth based on the panel data of China’s 28 provinces from 1986 to 2008. The results show that the adjustment coefficient of economic growth is positive in the long run, which means that there is a long term equilibrium relationship between foreign direct investment and economic growth. The growth of China's GDP will lead foreign direct investment to increase. However the long term equilibrium between FDI and economic growth varies significantly across different provinces.
keywords:panel error correction model  foreign direct investment  economic growth
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