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安勇 (山西大学 商务学院理学系, 山西 太原030031) 
中文关键词:随机利息力  年金  期望  矩母函数
Time Value of a Class of Annuities with Stochastic Interest Force
Abstract:In the research of time value of annuities, interest rate is usually assumed to be constant throughout the whole period. However, it is often uncertain for various factors. In this paper, the stochastic interest force was modeled by adopting reversible MA(1), and based on this, the time value of final rainbow payment annuity and final flatheaded rainbow payment annuity were studied, thus the formulas for the expectation and variance of present value were given. By numerical simulation, the influence of relevant parameters on the expectation of present value of final rainbow payment annuity was analyzed, which provides a reference to investors in making investment decisions.
keywords:stochastic interest force  annuities  expectation  moment generation function
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