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张琳,郭文旌 (南京财经大学 金融学院江苏 南京210046) 
中文关键词:跳跃扩散过程  信用风险  最优投资策略  有效边界
Optimal Portfolio Selection for Containing Credit Risk in a Jump Diffusion Market
Abstract:Assume that an investor can allocate his wealth dynamically between a risky stock, whose price follows a jump diffusion process, and a risky bond, whose price is subject to negative jumps due to its credit risk. Its price contains discontinuous sample paths, so it is subject to the compound Poisson process. The optimal investment strategy under the mean variance principle was studied by the stochastic control approach. The closed and explicit formulas for the optimal investment strategy and the efficient frontier were derived. Finally, the effects of default intensity, the expected rate of return and the wealth target on optimal investment strategy were analyzed by numerical examples.
keywords:jump diffusion process  credit risk  optimal investment strategy  efficient frontier.
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