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陈迪红,贾锐锐 (湖南大学 金融与统计学院 湖南 长沙410079 ) 
中文关键词:环境污染责任保险  费率厘定  模糊信息粒  模糊综合评价
Application of Fuzzy Mathematics to the Environmental Pollution Liability Insurance Rate Making
Abstract:The environmental pollution liability insurance can’t be reasonably rated, because the data and experience are insufficient. Compared with traditional method, applying fuzzy mathematics to rate the environmental pollution liability insurance can get more reasonable rate and ensure the rights and interests of every part. This paper researched the environmental pollution liability insurance of raw chemical materials and chemical products. First, the fuzzy information theory was used to deal with historical data, which can resolve the ambiguity of historical data and can get the fuzzy information X~ of the compensation to the third party. Second, the traditional method was used to get the fuzzy information p~ of the standard rate. Finally, overall considering the factors, the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation theory was used to get the comprehensive evaluation assemblage B~ to correct the standard rate.
keywords:environmental pollution liability insurance  rate making  fuzzy information  fuzzy comprehensive evaluation
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