引用本文:杨鹏1 ,林祥2.带交易费用的最优投资和比例再保险[J].经济数学,2011,(2):29-33
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杨鹏1 ,林祥2 (1.西京学院 基础部陕西 西安7101232.中南大学 数学学院湖南 长沙 410075) 
中文关键词:随机控制  Hamilton Jacobi Bellman(HJB);投资;再保险
Optimal Investment and Proportional Reinsurance with Transaction Costs
Abstract:This paper studied an optimal investment and reinsurance problem for insurance company, whose surplus was modeled by a jump diffusion risk process.The insurance company can invest part of the surplus in a risk free asset, and n risky asset and purchase proportional reinsurance for claims. When purchasing risky asset,we assume there exist transaction costs.The stochastic control theory was applied to solve this problem,and the close form expression for vulue function and optimal policy was obtained.
keywords:stochastic control  Hamilton Jacobi Bellman(HJB) equation  investment  reinsurance
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