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王亮 (大连民族学院 经济管理学院辽宁 大连116600) 
中文关键词:泰勒规则  菲利普斯曲线  央行损失函数
Studies on Formation Mechanism of the Nonlinear Taylor Rule
Abstract:This paper demonstrated the formation mechanism of nonlinear Taylor rule from both the nonlinear Phillips curve and the central bank asymmetric loss function. Mathematical proof has concluded that: Whether the Phillips curve is convex or concave, it means the response of inflation on output gap is non symmetrical, which will lead to Taylor rule nonlinear; The central bank asymmetric loss function is another reason that led to Taylor rule nonlinear. When there is expansion care demand, interest rate curve is concave; When there is price stability care demand, the interest rate curve is convex; When the two kinds of care demand exist, the interest rate curve concave depends on which demand is dominant, When prices stable care demand is dominant, the interest rate curve is convex, When expansion care demand is dominant, the interest rate curve is concave.
keywords:taylor rules  Phillips curve  central bank loss function
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