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刘萍,李永昆 (云南大学 数学与统计学院, 云南 昆明650091) 
中文摘要:根据企业集群与生物种群有着一定的相似性,借鉴种群生态学中的种群竞争模型建立了网状型企业集群模式下企业间竞争关系的数学模型 —— 一类具脉冲效应和反馈控制的非自治企业竞争模型系统,并通过脉冲微分方程的比较性定理,建立了该系统持久性生存的充分条件,并做经济学解释.
中文关键词:企业集群  竞争模型  脉冲  反馈控制  持久性
Analysis on Permanence of Impulsive Type Competitive Model of Enterprise Cluster with Feedback Control
Abstract:According to some similarities between species population and enterprise cluster,and basedon the competitive model of species population from ecology,an impulsive type competitive model of enterprise cluster with feedback control was established to describe dynamically the competitive relation of enterprise cluster under net model.By applying the method of comparison theorem, we obtained some sufficient conditions to ensure the permanence of the system and make an economic explanation to the theoretical result.
keywords:enterprise cluster  competitive model  impulse  feedback control  permanence
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