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张锐,翟欢欢,张训 (1.湖南农业大学 经济学院湖南 长沙4101282. 长沙理工大学 经济与管理学院湖南 长沙410114) 
中文关键词:两型农业  农业生产效率  DEA
An Evaluation of County Scale Two oriented Agricultural Production Efficiency
Abstract:This paper employed DEA theory to evaluate two oriented agricultural production efficiency of Hengyang County, Hunan province,based on an index system of evaluation of two oriented agriculture development status. The analyses indicate that the seven towns can improve the agricultural input output efficiency in a short term via certain input adjustments, and twenty towns can raise agricultural productivity through increasing scale appropriately. On the average, Hengyang County has achieved higher two oriented agricultural production efficiency as well as comparatively apparent scale and technical efficiency. According to the evaluation results,this paper raised some countermeasures and suggestions on how to develop two oriented society in Hengyang County.
keywords:two oriented agriculture  agricultural productivity  DEA
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