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高兴佑,高文进 (曲靖师范学院 经济与管理学院云南 曲靖655011) 
中文关键词:线性需求  二度价格歧视  纳什均衡  博弈论
Equilibrium Output and Price of Four Kinds of Markets under the Condition of Price Discrimination
Abstract:Under the condition of linear demand function, the equilibrium output and price under the condition of second degree price discrimination were studied. In the study, differential method was applied in one monopoly enterprise market,and complete information static game method was applied in n enterprises markets. Unified calculating formula were presented for market equilibrium discriminating output,and equilibrium discriminating price, equilibrium discriminating total revenue,and their characteristics were analyzed.
keywords:linear demand  second degree price discrimination  Nash equilibrium  game theory
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