引用本文:刘亦文,谢 意.中国房价形成机制的实证研究[J].经济数学,2010,27(4):105-110
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刘亦文,谢 意 (湖南大学 金融与统计学院,湖南 长沙410079) 
中文关键词:房价  需求模型  供给模型  均衡价格模型
An Empirical Research of Real Estate Prices Formation Mechanism in China
Abstract:The real estate market supply and demand model and the equilibrium price model were constructed.After introducing real estate sales prices, sales area, construction area, and other nine variables, the appropriate simultaneous equations to study the formation mechanism of real estate prices were established The results show that house prices are related in large part to income, interest rates, and land prices, income and interest rates . Meanwhile, there exists a larg gap between the residents' potential demand and the effective demand for real estate. At present the relevant departments should pay more attention to the scale of effective demand, and make some appropriate adjustments to interest rates, land supply, so as to ensure the stable development of the real estate market.
keywords:real estate prices  supply model  demand model  the equilibrium price model
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