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潘义前,李金美 (1.广西民族师范学院 数学与计算机科学系广西 崇左5322002.广西大学 数学与信息科学学院广西 南宁530004
3.湖南信息职业技术学院,湖南 长沙410200)
中文摘要:假设供应商向零售商提供信用支付期的同时,零售商也向顾客提供信用支付期, 研究了两货栈的变质物品库存模型,并讨论了模型最优解的唯一性, 最后给出了最优订购策略的算法步骤与数值例子.
中文关键词:库存模型, 信用支付, 二层信用策略, 变质物品
A Two-warehouse Inventory Model Based on Two Levels of Credit Trade Policy
Abstract:The article studied a two-warehouse inventory model for deteriorating items under the assumption that the supplier offers a credit period to the retailer, and the retailer, in turn, offers a credit period to his/her customers. The uniqueness of optimal solution to the model was discussed. Then, the algorithm to determine the optimal ordering policy and numerical examples was presented.
keywords:inventory model, trade credit period, two levels of credit trade policy, deteriorating items.
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