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罗春林 (江西财经大学 信息管理学院 江西 南昌330013) 
Supply Chain Coordination with a Risk-Averse Retailer through Buy Back Contract
Abstract:This paper studied the coordination of a two-echelon supply chain with a risk-neutral supplier and a risk averse retailer. The risk aversion of the retailer was measured by Conditionally Value-at-Risk (CVaR). The research has shown that the risk aversion aggravates the effect of double marginalization and deteriorates the efficiency of the supply chain. To coordinate the supply chain, the supplier provides the buy back policy to share the risk of overordering with the retailer and further to induce more order. But we find that when the risk aversion is too large, the buy back contract cannot coordinate the supply chain. When the supply chain can be coordinated by buy back contract, the profit can be allocated arbitrarily between them, and the last allocating result depends on their bargaining power.
keywords:risk averse  supply chain  coordination  buy back contract
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