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唐胜达 (1.广西师范大学 数学科学学院广西 桂林5410042.桂林电子科技大学 软科学研究所广西 桂林541004) 
中文关键词:劳动力结构  Markov过程  转移概率
Stochastic Model Analysis on the Regional Labor Structure Evolution
Abstract:This paper presented a Markov process with some absorbing states to describe labor structure model. Using the transition probability of the labor force, the expectation and the variance of the sojourn time in every industry were obtained, to which the individual labor was transferred from the initial industry. The distribution function of the per capita Gross Regional Product (GRP) was also obtained. And the expectations of the GRP created by the individual and the group respectively were derived. Moreover, a numerical example of the model was given.
keywords:labor structure  Markov chain  transition matrix
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