动态经济网络结构及其稳定性研究 |
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引用本文:房艳君,赵庆祯.动态经济网络结构及其稳定性研究[J].经济数学,2010,27(3):92-97 |
摘要点击次数: 2102 |
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中文摘要:在Jackson 和 Wolinsky' 1996年提出的经济网络的内生形成模型的基础上,进行模型的动态扩展研究探讨在网络中随时间序列的变化,每个时间步内都有一个新节点增加的动态变化状态下,模型构成的变化情况随着网络的动态变化,模型的稳定性和静态网络中的稳定性是不同的,因此也探讨了在动态模型中动态稳定性的含义,并给出了不同约束条件下,形成的动态稳定网络结构及其有效性的初步探讨 |
中文关键词:经济网络 生形成模型 稳定性动态有效性 |
The Dynamic Networks Formation Model and the Stability |
Abstract:Based on Jackson and Wolinsky 1996' endogenous formation model, a dynamic framework for the analysis of network formation was proposed. Supposing that there is a new agent participating in the network in each period, which is different from the static network formation, the notion of dynamic stability and dynamic efficient was extended. The dynamic stable network structure under different constrains was shown, and the efficiency of these networks was discussed. |
keywords:economic network endogenous formation modeldynamic stabilitydynamic efficiency |
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