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何郁波 (1.怀化学院 数学系湖南 怀化4180082.福建师范大学 数学与计算机科学学院福建 福州3210043.北方民族大学 信息与计算科学学院宁夏 银川750021) 
中文摘要:利用Fischer Burmeister函数将混合互补问题转化为非线性方程组,由光滑函数逼近FB函数来求解非线性方程组.文中将信赖域方法和梯度法相结合,提出了Jacobian光滑化方法.算法在一定条件下的全局收敛性得到了证明,数值试验表明算法切实有效,有一定的优越性.
中文关键词:混合互补问题  Jacobian光滑算法  信赖域方法  梯度步  全局收敛  二阶收敛
The Convergence of a Smoothing Method for the Mixed Complementarity Problem
Abstract:We converted the mixed complementarity problem into a system of nonsmooth nonlinear equations by using Fischer-Burmeister function,and we used a smooth function to approximate the Fischer Burmeister function. By combining trust region method with gradient method, a Jacobian smoothing method was proposed. Under some conditions, we proved the global convergence and local convergence of the algorithm. Numerical result indicates that the algorithm is quite promising.
keywords:mixed complementarity problem  Jacobian smoothing method  trust region method  gradient step  global convergence  quadratic convergence
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