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吴跃明 (1国防科技大学 理学院湖南 长沙410073
2长沙航空职业技术学院 基础部湖南 长沙 410124) 
中文关键词:LMSV模型  长记忆  汇率波动
An Empirical Research on LMSV Model of the RMB Exchange Rate Fluctuations Based on Wavelet Transform
Abstract:Wavelet was introduced to the LMS model to estimate and test the long memory of volatility, and a pseudo maximum likelihood estimation method based on wavelet transform long memory of volatility and the test method of long memory volatility were proposed. The size of long memory effects for different exchange rate volatility sequence was verified . The results show the existence of long memory effects for exchange rate fluctuations sequence. RMB plays an important part in the dollar exchange rate fluctuations sequence, which is influenced by historical information.
keywords:LMS model  long memory  exchange rate fluctuations
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