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吴辉 (湘潭大学数学与计算科学学院 概率论与数理统计,湖南 湘潭411105) 
中文关键词:复合二项过程  常红利边界  红利期望现值  压缩映射  迭代
The Expected Present Value of Dividends in the Compound Binomial Model with a Constant Dividend Barrier
Abstract:Based on the fully discrete compound binomial model, the payments of dividends in the presence of constant dividend barrier were studied. We obtained two equations satisfying the expected present value of dividends through two different methods. Under a comparative relaxed condition, the approximate solution of the expected present value of dividends until ruin can be computed by setting up the corresponding iteration processes because of the special property of the equations.
keywords:compound binomial process  constant dividend barrier  the expected present value of dividends  contraction, iteration
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