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莫晓云 (湖南财政经济学院,湖南 长沙410205) 
中文关键词:客户回报随机过程  Markov性  时间齐次性  转移概率  期望回报
Markov Property and Time homogeneity for the Customer repaying Stochastic Process
Abstract:Based on the model of Markov chain for developing relation of customers, the customer repaying stochastic process for enterprise was formulated. It is proved that, under some appropriate hypothesis, the customer repaying process is a Markov chain,even a time homogeneous Markov chain. And the transition probabilities for this Markov chain was calculated. Using the transition probabilities of this Markov chain, some formulas of calculating the customer repayment for enterprise were obtained, which offers an effective amounting foundation of policies that the enterprise chooses developing relation of customers.
keywords:customer repaying stochastic process  Markov property  time homogeneity  transition probability  expectation repayment
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